Causes for Teeth Sensitivity and Its Treatment

Causes for Teeth Sensitivity and Its Treatment

Nov 02, 2022

Teeth sensitivity occurs when consuming hot, cold, sweet, or sour foods and breathing cold air. The pain you experience might be sharp and sudden, shooting into the tooth’s nerve endings. Treatments for sensitive teeth include in-office fluoride therapy, desensitizing toothpaste and composite bonding.

Teeth Sensitivity Explained

The exposure of the dentin of your teeth beneath the tooth enamel usually is the cause of this sensitivity. The vulnerability occurs due to enamel erosion and gum recession caused by gum disease because your teeth pull away from your teeth to expose the tooth roots.

Your tooth roots don’t have the protection provided by the hard enamel and contain many tubules by the thousands leading to the tooth’s center holding the dental pulp. The dentinal tubules enable stimuli such as sweet, hot, or cold foods to get to the nerve, resulting in sensitivity.

Tooth sensitivity can indicate other conditions in your mouth, including cavities, gum disease or a cracked tooth.

Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

There are several reasons for sensitive teeth. Some causes are mentioned below for your reference.

  • Aggressive Brushing:Brushing aggressively over time using a hard bristled toothbrush wears down tooth enamel to expose the dentin. Aggressive brushing can also result in gum recession, where your gum tissue pulls away from them.
  • Gum Recession:some people are congenitally prone to thin gums. Others develop gum recession from periodontal disease. With gum recession pulling away, the gum tissue from your teeth exposes the tooth roots, making them sensitive.
  • Gum Disease:Inflamed and sore gum tissue but also cause sensitivity due to loss of ligaments supporting it. The condition exposes the roof surface directly, leading to the tooth’s nerve.
  • Cracked Teeth:Broken or chipped teeth might fill bacteria from dental plaque to enter the dental pulp and cause inflammation.
  • Teeth Whitening Products: the major contributors to sensitive teeth are teeth whitening products. Therefore if considering whitening your teeth, you must discuss the therapy with the dentist in Calgary before considering any treatments on the market.
  • Age:the age bracket of 25 to 30 experiences the highest tooth sensitivity.
  • Use of Mouthwash:Some mouthwash brands from drugstores and convenience stores have acids that worsen teeth sensitivity if you have exposed dentin. The acids can cause additional damage to the dentin. If you are affected by dentin sensitivity, you find it beneficial to discuss using a neutral fluoride solution to battle against the condition.
  • Acidic Foods:Regularly consuming acidic foods like citrus foods, tomatoes, pickles, and tea also results in enamel erosion to cause teeth sensitivity.
  • Dental Procedures:You might develop sensitive teeth after getting fillings, cleanings and placement of dental restorations. Sensitivity from dental procedures is generally temporary and disappears in four to six weeks.

Do Sensitive Teeth Indicate Infections?

Sensitive teeth do not always result from infections. Occasionally the sensitivity indicates enamel erosion or gum recession. However, it can also suggest that you have a cracked or infected tooth. Sensitivity from infected teeth might be sharp or throbbing, or dull. Unfortunately, if you have severe sensitivity that won’t subside, you must call the dentist near you for advice and additional instructions.

Treatment for Tooth Sensitivity

The therapy for tooth sensitivity depends on why you are experiencing the condition. If you have lingering sensitivity or pain, you must schedule an appointment with the Calgary dentist to eliminate severe infections if present because they recommend the appropriate treatment.

You can lessen your risk of sensitive teeth from normal wear and tear using the following tips:

  • Use Desensitizing Toothpaste: you can find multiple toothpaste brands for sensitive teeth. When you use them frequently, you will notice a decrease in sensitivity. You might need to try various brands before finding a toothpaste that suits your needs. You can also consider spreading a thin layer of toothpaste on exposed tooth roots before going to bed at night. Ensure that you use fluoridated toothpaste.
  • Maintain Excellent Dental Hygiene:Continue maintaining excellent oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing once to clean your mouth thoroughly.
  • Toothbrush:ensure that you use a soft-bristled toothbrush to prevent tooth surface damage and to irritate your gums.
  • Dental Visits Essential: of prime importance is to see your dentist every six months for exams, cleanings, and fluoride treatments.

Sensitive teeth are concerning and can impact your quality of life. Springhill Dental provides appropriate remedies for the condition to help decrease the sensitivity. Get help from the dental practice if you wish to overcome the problem.

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